Gas Station at 86th Street and Lafayette Road

proposed_gas_stationThree Mile Properties is proposing a GetGo gas station on the southwest corner of 86th Street and Lafayette Road. In my opinion, this seems like a poor zoning decision for this area for the following reasons:

  • Fishback Creek Public Academy is directly across the street on the southeast corner of this intersection.
  • Fishback Creek runs directly behind the proposed gas station and would be subject to contamination due to any fuel runoff. Fishback Creek runs into Eagle Creek Reservoir which is part of Indianapolis’ drinking water supply.
  • A gas station is a poor fit to the predominantly suburban/rural character of the surrounding area, a large portion of which is designated as the Traders Point Rural Historic District.
  • A gas station in this location doesn’t seem to be necessary as there a great many other gas stations located near 86th Street and I-465 as well as 71st Street and I-465.

A petition has been created to advocate against a gas station at this intersection.

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